Miyerkules, Mayo 4, 2011

How to move on from a break up

Break-ups can be difficult and painful, but the important thing to remember is that a break up is not the end of the world. Sometimes a break-up can even be a good thing because it will give you a chance to re-evaluate your life, and maybe even lead you to find someone more suitable. The truth is, that you can move on after a break-up no matter how bad it may have been.

Keep your calendar full. The more time I spent alone, the more time I spent thinking about what my ex and I would have been doing or talking about. So reached out to your close friends, reconnected with acquaintances, accepted every invitation, and do your best to keep your social calendar full. One, it kept you busy so you wouldn’t start reminiscing about your relationship or obsessing over something. You  got to spend time with people you cared about.

Surround yourself with friends and loved ones. Talk about how you're feeling and allow them to comfort you and offer you advice. A break-up can be a very lonely experience, so surrounding yourself with others you love and trust will help to erase some of the loneliness. Don't try to deal with the experience all by yourself. Go out and meet new people, rebuild old relationships, network and immerse yourself into social situations. Keep yourself busy doing things you enjoy with the people you love, and don't dwell on the past.

Go out and have fun. Don't stay home and sulk, as it will only make you feel more miserable. Round up a group of friends and hit the town. Do something fun and exciting, such as a night of dancing or bar hopping. Plan a weekend beach or camping trip or take a quick out-of-town getaway. Going out with friends will remind you that being single can be just as fun as being in a relationship. It will also help to keep your mind off your ex.

Begin to Date Again. After a Breakup.When you’ve given yourself enough time to work through your emotions, then you can begin to date again. The amount of time needed for this varies with the people involved and the specifics of the relationship. Gage emotions about your ex honestly, and if you’re not overcome at the very thought of them, work on meeting new people. Aim for a state of indifference. In other words, it’s okay to get a slight twinge upon seeing your ex; it’s not okay to suddenly want to throw a plate at their head. When you first start dating again, do it with a pace slow enough to meet a variety of people. Go easy on the people you date at first, don’t expect them to be your ex, or the “better” version of your ex. Remember, everyone is unique. If they’re the right one, you’ll know it in time. But allow yourself the perspective to find out. In the meantime, enjoy the new person in your life for whom they are, and have fun just being with them.

Seek guidance and counsel. You don't necessarily have to see a shrink or a therapist. You could go to a trusted family member or friend and discuss your revelation. It is never recommended that you act solely on your own instincts unless there is some intensely compelling reason. It is always preferred and wiser to seek the input of a trusted friend or relative before taking action that will affect your whole life. Seriously meditate on all possible consequences of your actions. After you have spoken to your "advisors" or "counselors," take the time to play out several scenarios in your mind before you do anything drastic. Will you lose your job? Will your relationship end? What will happen if you do Plan A? What about Plan B? Simply out of courtesy to others, it should be said that the option that creates the narrowest swath of destruction is generally best. However, if your revelation is one such as outing a molester in your family - in this case, you cannot allow consideration of who will be hurt or upset to enter into your thinking

Volunteer to be of service to those less fortunate than yourself. Get over feeling sorry for yourself by volunteering at the Red Cross blood bank, the local hospital, the library, your church... There is no limit to the possibilities -- just do it. In addition, service organizations are great places to make professional contacts, develop friendships, or meet your soul-mate

If you're comfortable being around your ex and don't feel the need to slip back into your old relationship, congratulations! You have moved on with your life!

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